We caught up with former, very successful point-to-point jockey James Tudor! James had almost 750 rides pointing & an impressive 30% strike rate, as well as almost 100 Hunter Chase starts. Determined, professional & competitive, James was always looking for the next milestone whilst riding racing & he probably thinks more about the 162 2nds he rode than the 252 winners! As a National Championship Title holder & pointing running through his veins, it’s safe to say James is passionate about the sport!
🏇🏼How did you get into pointing?
My family has always been involved in the pointing world - both my Grandfather & Father owned & rode racehorses; my maternal grandfather was a permit holder so it was inevitable that I would get involved!
🏇🏼What’s your involvement in pointing?
I started riding out for Evan Williams when I was 14. I used to cycle over to his yard or Evan would pick me up from school to ride out! I had my first ride pointing when I was 16. Whilst I was at Reading Uni, Tim Vaughan put me in touch with Alan & Lawney Hill; I spent a lot of time at theirs whilst studying for my degree & rode most of their horses. After uni, I worked as Assistant Trainer for Evan until I was 31. Now I’ve retired from riding racing & I’m Assistant Starter at Llangeinor P2P.

🏇🏼How would you describe pointing to someone that hasn’t been before?
A relaxed days horse racing in the countryside! A great day out for the whole family!
🏇🏼What’s your pointing highlight?
I was lucky enough to ride two 4-timers in my career, I won the Lady Dudley cup on Unmistakably, won the National Men’s Title once & I also had 6 winners at Cheltenham - they would all have to be highlights!
🏇🏼If you could change one thing in pointing, what would it be?
Prize money - I see no reason why prize money should be capped & it would only help the sport to increase it.
🏇🏼Where’s your favourite point-to-point & why?
Has to be Kingston Blount. We had so much fun there over the years & it’s where I rode most of my winners (44 to be exact!)

🏇🏼Whats your earliest pointing memory?
Climbing the trees at St Hilary to watch the racing with Christian & Nicky Williams
🏇🏼What do you think lies ahead for the future of pointing?
We need to be careful that we don’t lose connection with the amateur & fun side of it. Having said that I’m conscious if there’s not a financial reason for it to happen then I can see troubled times ahead. The introduction of 4YO P2Ps and sales is a good thing - it’s a complicated mix ensuring it is an amateur fun day out whilst also enhancing the business aspect of the sport.

🏇🏼What was your favourite aspect of training racehorses?
It’s fantastic when you get a youngster that goes through the grades. Saying that, winning any race with any horse is an achievement. Sometimes winning a bad race with a less talented horse is as rewarding as winning a good race with a good horse!
🏇🏼What was your favourite aspect of riding racehorses?
Undoubtedly the winners & comrade. I was lucky that I didn’t have to waste much as I was busy riding out a lot too.

🏇🏼If you had to pick 1 horse that you rode racing as the best/your favourite horse, who would it be?
Not sure I can! I was very lucky to ride quite a few that I ran up sequences on. I always loved the smaller handy types though, like Mr Splodge, Minsgills Mans, Bon Accord & Start Royal.

🏇🏼Any hobbies outside of horses?
I have 2 young kids who take up most of my time! But I also enjoy going hunting, skiing & rugby!

🏇🏼Tell us a bit about your day job!
I’m now an NFU Mutual agent, so my day is very different now! Much more sedentary but I’m out & about seeing 1 or 2 farmers a day which I really enjoy & gets me out of the office.
Thanks so much James for catching up with us. Great to see you at the opening meeting of the season as assistant starter at Pyle last weekend!
