Today we’re with PPORA committee member & P2P jockey Darren Edwards! Darren has ridden in almost 1500 point-to-points, with over 260 wins, including a treble at Wadebridge last weekend! He’s dedicated to continuing to improve the sport & has just taken a spot on the PPA Board…watch this space!
🏇🏼How are you involved in pointing? I am principally still a rider, although currently hold roles on the PPORA Committee and have recently joined the PPA Board.
🏇🏼What is your favourite aspect of pointing? I enjoy most aspects from the adrenaline and competition of taking part to the camaraderie off course.
🏇🏼How did you get into pointing? My family has a long association with pointing and it was a natural progression from riding ponies growing up.
🏇🏼How would you describe pointing to someone that hasn’t been before? A great day out! An opportunity to witness competitive sport at a grassroots level and to potentially see a star of the future (horse or jockey!).
🏇🏼What’s your pointing highlight? Winning 10+ races on old favourites like Lucette Annie, Coombe Hill and Honest Deed. They won more than they lost which is no mean feat.
🏇🏼If you could change one thing in pointing, what would it be? A more balanced funding model.
🏇🏼Where’s your favourite point-to-point & why? We are fortunate to have some great tracks in the Westcountry and I don’t have a favourite. My favourites tend to be courses where I have had the most luck!
🏇🏼What is your role on the PPORA committee member? I am currently Vice Chairman and West Area Riders’ Representative.
🏇🏼Explain the role of the PPORA alongside pointing & how being a member enhances the point-to-point experience. The PPORA provides a voice for owners and riders into the upper echelons of the sport. Being a member gives you great access to a wide pool of knowledge and experience within the sport, through the area and rider reps. There is also a range of member benefits that can more than pay for the membership cost.
🏇🏼What’s your earliest pointing memory? Attending point to points as a child, when dad was riding.
🏇🏼What do you think lies for the future of pointing? Pointing is facing many challenges – declining numbers, increasing running cost, competition for the leisure pound etc. However, it is not alone in this and with challenges come opportunities. The most important thing is that the sport is underpinned by some great people and we must look to embrace change.
🏇🏼What’s your favourite aspect of riding pointers? Educating young horses to make the best of their ability.
🏇🏼Any hobbies outside of horses? Most sports!
Thanks for catching up with us Darren! We look forward to following your work with the PPA!